Oxy bleach for color BLEACH OXY

Oxy bleach for color BLEACH OXY is concentrated oxygen bleaching powder or color safe bleaching powder. It’s safe for use on most color and white clothes.

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Oxy bleach for color BLEACH OXY
Oxy bleach for color BLEACH OXY

Application: is concentrated oxygen bleaching powder or color safe bleaching powder. It’s safe for use on most color and white clothes. Addition of small quantity of bleach OXY is very powerful to get rid of all stubborn stains such as coffee, curry, blood, urine, human faeces, lipstick, food stains and etc. Bleach OXYcan be added during main wash laundry cycle or as presoak to aid the removal of stains. Bleaching efficiency is enhanced at elevated temperature, pH and longer washing time. 

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Use direction:

Bleaching : 4-8 ml for each kg of dry wash. 
Water temperature: 40 ~ 80οC

PACKING 30 liter plastic pail

Distribute at Hoachat789.com

Contact: 0904.643.943