Fabric softener VIC SOFT

FABRIC SOFTNER VIC-SOFTNER MALAYSIA is a high quality liquid Flora or Fresh Lemon-scented fabric softener. Added at the final rinse cycle during washing, it reduces static cling and make ironing become easier. It imparts softness to fabric and leave refreshing smell for better human comfort. It is ideal for all kinds of fabric, at all washing temperatures.

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Fabric softener VIC SOFT
FABRIC SOFTNER VIC-SOFTNER VIC-SOFT is a high quality liquid Flora or Fresh Lemon-scented fabric softener. Added at the final rinse cycle during washing, it reduces static cling and make ironing become easier. It imparts softness to fabric and leave refreshing smell for better human comfort. It is ideal for all kinds of fabric, at all washing temperatures.

pH (1% solution) : 6.0-7.5 
Fragrance : Flora or Refreshing Lemon 
Solubility in water : Completely 
Appearance : Pink viscous liquid

Fabric softener VIC SOFT

Added at the final rinse cycle during washing, it reduces static cling and make ironing become easier
+ 1-8 ml for each kg of dry wash at final rinsing. 
+ Water temperature: 20 ~ 45οC