Metal Polish Metal Clean Gold

Metal Polish Metal Clean Gold, polish for metal, chemical for cleaning and polish metal surfaces with best quality made in Korea

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Metal Polish Metal Clean Gold
Metal Polish Metal Clean Gold

Packages : 3.75 L (1 gallon) / 18.75 L (5 gallon)

Applications : To clean and polish metal surfaces

Metal Polish Metal Clean Gold

Features :

Cleans and polishes metal surfaces
Restores discolored metal surfaces to its original state.
Protects the external surface of the metal from physical and chemical friction by leaving a fine, protective film

Method of Use :

1. Shake well before use.
2. Spread on the metal surface using a piece of cloth.
3. Gently rub the area with a brush.
4. Wipe with a dry cloth.

>>** Note : Do not use on the surfaces which might be discoloured or deteriorated, Metal Clean Gold i.e. plated surfaces, brass, mirror and coated surfaces.